How COVID 19 Home Test Kits Can Be Helpful For Early Infection Detection?

COVID did mayhem last year and it took many valuable lives. The spread of this disease was so rapid that all governments around the world have to enforce strict measures to control it. Along with face masks and sanitizers, lockdowns were one of the strict measures placed to control this disease.


There were many reasons why COVID did so much damage to society. At the early stage of COVID spread, there were no good detection systems available. To solve this problem Doctor Driver Assessment Limited has brought a reliable COVID 19 test kit that you can easily use at home.


Ø  Benefit Of Using COVID 19 Home Test Kits


·         Less Time


Conventional RTPCR tests are very accurate but it takes a long time to deliver results. During this time, doctors will hold essential treatments. As a result, fatality risk increases a lot in COVID-infected patients. Although RTPCR tests work well for few patients, this method is not practical when COVID infects a large number of people. Testing everyone with RTPCR tests is so complicated that it can crash the health care system.


·         Reliable Result


On the other hand, results from conventional rapid test kits are very unreliable. Conventional rapid test kits often give false-negative and false-positive results. As a result, those people who were infected by COVID didn’t have treatment at the right time. Similarly, non-infected people have to spend 14 days in quarantine. Compared to conventional rapid test kits, COVID 19 Home Test Kits are way more accurate.


·         Price


If you do conventional RTPCR tests for COVID, then the price of this test will be a lot. It is a financial burden for those people who often catch a cold. Doing multiple RTPCR tests over a short period can put a dent in your pocket. If you want an inexpensive solution, then you can try COVID 19 home test kits. At an inexpensive price, it will give you accurate COVID 19 test results.


This year everyone thought that the mayhem of COVID is over. But this disease is resurfacing with new variants. As a result, the death rate might increase again with its spread. However, scientists believe that this time it can be controlled with COVID 19 home test kits from Doctor Driver Assessment Limited. Early detection from this test kit can give patients valuable time for treatment. As a result, more people will recover from COVID infection.


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